Dec 14, 2024
There have been recent concerns about the taste and smell of strong chlorine in the water.
This is an after effect due to the sanitization processes involved in cleaning the water tank and the lines.
This issue will resolve itself in a short period of time and is to be expected after the extensive repair project that we have just undergone.
We will begin switching back over to the regular water tank sometime in the next week.
The water supply has been tested regularly as is required by The Arkansas Department of Health , and it has been well under the allowable limits.
The smell and taste may seem extreme because we generally keep those levels extremely low, as low as allowed.
However, it it is necessary to allow the sanitization process to run its course and let those levels lower to what we have grown accustomed to.
Please be patient, trust the process and let the professionals do their jobs.
We thank you for your understanding and consideration , as this has been a huge undertaking that will only bring great benefit to our community when the project is completed.
Thank you Tomcat Consultants, Viking Industrial ,William Tindall and Gerardo Olivarez for your round the clock efforts to ensure non stop water service and community betterment for all!